There are still a few openings for Mass intentions in 2018, and we are also scheduling for 2019. Please call the rectory during business hours to schedule a Mass. Intentions can be for healing, an answered prayer, for the deceased, etc. Canon Law prohibits more than one intention per Mass. Father Sisco allows two intentions on weekend Masses to accommodate our parishioners. An intention should be for one person, a husband & wife, or “deceased members of the family.”
There will not be daily Mass on Friday, April 27th and Friday, May 4 as we were unable to find an available priest to cover for Father Sisco. If you are looking for a mass on these Fridays, masses are offered at 7:15 am at St. Teresa of the Little Child on Newport Avenue; 7:30 at Our Lady of Loreto in East Providence; and 8:00 am at St. Margaret's in Rumford